


quality of goddess story trading cards

quality of goddess story trading cards

Goddess story trading cards set quite a high standard comared to other TCG. 

1. Card quality

GS cards are relatively thin but don´t appear cheap. The different foiling layers give the card stability. Even lower-ranked cards feel valuable. No warping. This is a thing for some other brands that use too much foiling on one side which leads to warping. Similar to a bi- metal-plate where one side shrinks or expands more than the other. The cut of the cards is equal with round edges. They have the perfect size for small 9-pocket sleeve pages. 

2. nuanced rarity levels

Cards with a higher rarity level should, next to the fact that they are harder to find, also have some applications that increase their worth. GS offers a clear structure here.

"R"      (rare) cards have a clear foiling on both sides. Depending on the set sometimes also some slight holo sparkles

"SR"    (super rare)cards get some additional strong holo background effects. On top of that, they have also a super fine texture on the backside of the card that creates a very image.

"SSR" (super special rare)cards get all the above and an additional gold Print with a rainbow effect. neat.

3. Pull fairness

Each box always offers a set number of lucky draws of higher rarities. Meaning they grant for each pack/box some card slots that have to be a certain rarity level. GS is very fair here. Since there are so many different boxes with different price levels (1y, 2y ,5y, and 10y) one can choose the difficulty he or she prefers. There is something for the casual collector as well as for the waifu crack. This is certainly something to consider when branching out of goddess story.

4. Foiling quality

Foilings are very fine layers that are printed on or behind the actual artwork of the card with the goal to enhance it. There is a gold, rainbow, holo, or just clear to name some of them. GS manages to use the different foilings to enhance the artwork and to set some accents but they also try not to overload the card. Let`s say they use the foilings in a responsible way. Too much or the wrong foiling or placement of such can ruin a card IMO. However, this is very subjective.

5. backside

50% of the card is its backside. It should get some love too. GS gives here information about the character like age, size, weight, and origin also. Some trivia lines are also always present. (funny to use a translator app for that). Also, the super fine texture is appreciated here.  

6. Artwork quality

GS offers a high level of detail and the pictures are sharp. They have good contrast and colors pop. I haven´t seen any print errors in the goddess series so far. Most artworks are fantastic and beautiful to look at. They even break apart rarity levels into even smaller mini-series that visually fit together.

The bar is high and I am curious if I will find another series that can reach or even surpass it.